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Accommodation & Offers Hotel Panorama Royal

Living cordiality

Built on an energy square, you can feel the spirit and positive energy emanating from this wonderful location with its many natural power spots as soon as you enter our hotel. The warm hospitality, the inviting luxury and the spacious "feel-good world" will quickly make you forget everyday life.

Rooms and suites

Rooms and suites

Rooms and suites

Simple design, cosily furnished
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Offers that inspire

Offers that inspire

Offers that inspire

Go on a voyage of discovery
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Included services

Included services

Included services

Carefree package with many extras included
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Childrens prices

Childrens prices

Childrens prices

Children are our future
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Dog prices

Dog prices

Dog prices

Hunde hinterlassen Fußspuren im Herzen.read more